about us

The Louisiana Child Welfare Training Academy was established in the Summer of 2014 and is housed at Southeastern Louisiana University. LCWTA is a partnership between the Department of Children and Family Services, the Pelican Center for Children and Families, and the University Alliance comprised of seven university partners within the public schools of Social Work in Louisiana. The University Alliance members include Southeastern Louisiana University, Northwestern State University, Southern University Baton Rouge, Southern University New Orleans, Grambling University, Louisiana State University, and the University of Louisiana at Monroe.
The Academy will ensure that child welfare staff and stakeholders will have a fundamental and common base of knowledge and skills necessary to effectively intervene within the child welfare system. LCWTA accomplishes this goal by providing both live and online in-service training and professional development opportunities.

OUR Mission
To provide a comprehensive array of training and professional development opportunities to child welfare staff and stakeholders.
Stakeholders include foster parents, mental health providers, various medical and educational professionals, law enforcement and other legal professionals, as well as child welfare staff.
OUR Vision
Through a partnership between the DCFS, the Pelican Center, and the University Alliance, the Louisiana Child Welfare Training Academy will provide high-quality training and professional development opportunities to meet the training needs necessary for ensuring a professional, competent, and stable workforce.