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How do I access the LCWTA eLearning Site?Enter LCWTA eLearning Site's link into your browser's address bar - Google Chrome is our preferred browser.
What do I do if I did not receive my confirmation email?Please check your Spam and Junk folders. Some email systems direct emails from unknown contacts to these folders. Be sure to add “Admin” to your contact list to prevent this and missing out on important updates.
I'm having trouble accessing the site. What should I do?First, check to make sure you are connected to the internet. If you are not connected to the internet, you will need to connect. Unfortunately, each computer and internet service is different and we will not be able to assist you with internet or computer issues. We recommend reaching out to your internet service provider. Second, make sure you are visiting the correct site - Third, if you have trouble with your username or password visit this link.
Can my spouse/partner/relative/friend and I use the same account?No. Unfortunately, dual accounts are not possible. Each "foster caregiver in a household" must create and maintain their own account. The LCWTA is responsible for keeping a record of each foster caregiver’s individual training hours.
What courses should I take?It is up to you to decide which training you would like to take. If there are any courses that are mandatory for you to take, you will be automatically enrolled in those courses. We recommend taking any mandatory courses first. You can also ask your case worker for recommendations to get information that applies to your individual needs.
How can I get in touch with someone at the LCWTA?You can call our support line at 985-248-0888. You can send us an e-mail – or You can send a Moodle Message to LCWTA Online Support.
How can I get updated information about Moodle courses or in-person training opportunities?Follow us on Facebook –
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